Laura Layla is a seasoned wise-woman guide who supports women to navigate with awareness and skill the uncharted territories within themselves, their relationships, and their lives.
Her healing and clairvoyant abilities optimize the results of her work. She has an amazing magical bag of tools and modalities to support people to connect to their inner power, beauty, and mystery. Laura Layla brings decades of personal training, cultivation, private practice and group work, drawing from body and energy work, somatic trauma healing and peri pre natal work. Her signature programs: “Womb Wellness” and “Conscious Baby & Family Making” bring forward her gifts as a womb and baby whisperer. She is dedicated to wellness for individuals, couples, families, communities and our world.
"Laylas mentorship and consistent holding of me and her tracking of my progress has been an essential grounding and nourishing force in my life, one that has helped me to cultivate more trust in myself…(she) has helped me to develop a sense of strength and confidence which has opened endless doors." - Marya Stark
Schedule your FREE Discovery call with Laura today!!
Pregnant or planning to be?

Want to live life on your terms?

“Laura’s session was the catalyst for beginning the healing of my caesarean birth.
Until I had spoken with Laura I’d had no emotion around the traumatic birth I experienced with my son. In our session she very gently helped me see it in a new light, and I had a flood of emotional energy I knew was there but just couldn’t let flow. Thank you for your gifts, you will always be remembered in my experience.”
- Alisha Dy
Are You An Artemis Woman?
Laura Layla
- Aug 12, 2016 Conscious Babymaking
- Aug 12, 2016 Artemis Moon Magic
Upcoming Events TBD